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Safety: The Measure of Success

All employees have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment

Trade-Mark Industrial LLC Inc. holds health and safety in the highest regard, making it our most important measure of success.

Safety begins with senior management at Trade-Mark, and the top-down safety mentality cultivates a culture among the employees at all levels, ensuring a safe workplace on all Trade-Mark job-sites.

Trade-Mark believes in, and practices continual and consistent improvement in all areas of health and safety.  Our strong safety culture promotes developing standards, continual communication, training, evaluation, and constant improvements in health and safety.

Aggressive incident prevention and proactive safety planning are the building blocks Trade-Mark uses to work towards a benchmark of zero incidents.

Senior Management at Trade-Mark is proud to place health and safety at the forefront of our daily operations, understanding and fully believing that any less is unacceptable.

  • Experience Modification Rate (EMR) for 2014 of 0.82
  • 2014 TRIR of 4.04
  • 0 lost time injuries in 2014
  • 0 lost time injuries in 2013

Health and safety is our most important measure of success. At Trade-Mark Industrial, we acknowledge that all employees have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment. Our commitment to achieving and maintaining this culture of safety is a reflection of our continual statistical safety improvements year over year.

For additional information on Trade-Mark Industrial's health and safety, please contact Craig Macdonald at [email protected].